[BC] identifying the equipment

Tom Spencer Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Mon Nov 22 18:36:22 CST 2010

IIRC, "Play Misty For Me", the the audio was the actual signal from the 
board when appropriate.

OTOH, WKRP - I don't think I ever SAW the VU meters on the board...
And in a related continuity booboo, did anyone else ever catch the error 
in cart handling?
Les, Johnny, or whoever inserts cart and gets instant start - no button 
pressing!  Just like an 8-track... I'm not sure but what those WERE 
8-tracks, now that I think about it...

Jerry Mathis wrote:
> Spoken like a true blue dyed-in-the-wool radio man!
> When watching movies, I always am the one noticing the electronic equipment being used.
> Does it bug anyone else that, in movies portraying broadcasting (Good Morning, Vietnam! comes to mind), they'll show a console with the VU meters moving, and the sound is the DJ talking or music playing, and the movement of the meters NEVER matches the audio!!

Tom Spencer

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