[BC] identifying the equipment

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Mon Nov 22 18:02:50 CST 2010

------ At 05:07 PM 11/22/2010, Jerry Mathis wrote: -------

>Does it bug anyone else that, in movies portraying broadcasting 
>(Good Morning, Vietnam! comes to mind), they'll show a console with 
>the VU meters moving, and the sound is the DJ talking or music 
>playing, and the movement of the meters NEVER matches the audio!!

That's not a problem. It's a feature. The producers of "Good Morning, 
Vietnam" wanted to make an evergreen movie. One that would be 
relevant for decades. They built in the discrepancy between the audio 
and the VU meter to make those of us who deal with digital delays 
more comfortable.


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