[BC] Cover Art/Liner Notes

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Fri Nov 19 12:43:15 CST 2010

------ At 09:02 AM 11/19/2010, Sid Schweiger wrote: -------

>Whatever service the CBS stations use to stream has it...cover art 
>and the album title, plus a brief blurb about the artist(s).  Not 
>sure how they get the info, however.

I checked it. They're using radio.com. Some stations have cover art. 
Others don't. Even the ones that do are missing a lot of them and 
display a "record" in a sleeve. For information they have you click 
through to last.fm.

  If I go to a radio.com non-broadcast stream I get all cover art, 
though it still requires me to click through to last.fm for details.

I suspect radio.com takes the title/artist feed from the station, 
probably with an additional code to identify which release (original, 
Greatest Hits, etc.) the cut came from. Radio.com probably searches 
for the cover art.

That's a lot of data. I haven't seen an automation system that can 
store that much information related to a song cut.


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