[BC] about STL dishes and jumpers

Broadcast List USER Broadcast at fetrow.org
Fri Nov 12 20:15:56 CST 2010

I have NEVER seen a Superflex jumper fail.

I have NEVER seen an LDF-4 jumper fail.

I have seen more than a few braided jumpers fail.  It is GENERALLY,  
but not always the braid that fails.  Still, I have never allowed  
braided shields on any site I have managed.  The extra shielding keeps  
the noise down.

I have NEVER seen an Andrew solid strap grounding kit fail.

I have seen MANY Cablewave braided strap grounding kits fail.  I don't  
care what cable you use, but you are gong to use Andrew grounding kits  
on my sites.

To each his own, but I try to use LDF-4 for low power jumpers on the  
tower, and Superflex in the building.  I WILL use Superflex on the  
tower, but I prefer the thicker shield of the LDF-4.

OH, and for Superflex, I only use the 1/2 inch.  I can be persuaded to  
use smaller Superflex INSIDE for RECEIVERS.


On Nov 12, 2010, at 9:00 AM, broadcast-request at radiolists.net wrote:

> Message: 18
> From: Cowboy <curt at spam-o-matic.net>
> Me too !
> I'd NEVER call someone something where I didn't know what the
> words meant !
> I suppose it's possible to install in such a way that this common
> failure is less likely, but mechanical theory says, and MY experience
> bears it out, that any breeze at all will vibrate the tower, the line,
> the antenna, and not synchronously. The solid outer is the weakest
> part, so fails first. A soft jumper, just like a motor mount, only  
> needs
> enough flex to withstand this vibration and not break.
> Hopefully, it lasts long enough for the jumper to dry out and fail.
> A failed jumper is much cheaper to replace than the main line !
> I've even seen situations ( though I can't remember why ) where the
> solid outer HAS failed, but there was enough torque at the connector
> to maintain a connection of sorts, and the system had not failed.
> Once disturbed by a climber ( me, of course ) the failure became
> apparent.
> I suppose it's possible to install in a way that this doesn't happen,
> without a soft jumper, but I haven't seen it.
> Cowboy

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