[BC] need a NON-technical explanation with levity!

Lotus Engineering loteng at lvradio.com
Fri Nov 12 12:19:39 CST 2010

	In 1966 I was an Air Force instructor at Keesler AFB. Air Training Command decided we should change from cycles to hertz.  Re-wrote all our lesson plans.  Then the higher powers decided that was a mistake.  Re-wrote the plans back to cycles. All of my students went into the AF Security Service.  SS decided it wanted Hertz.  So we re-wrote again.  Then along comes the National Security agency that SS reported to and they wanted Cycles.  By now we just pulled the old plans out of the file cabinet.  Shortly thereafter, some wiser sole way up the chain told us to teach both and within a few years Cycles was officially dropped by the Airforce. 45 years later I still occasionally say Kilocycles.  We also had the Kilomegacycle vs. Gigacycle vs. Gigahertz fiasco as part of that.



Bill Croghan CPBE WBØKSW
Chief Engineer, 
Lotus Broadcasting, Las Vegas, NV

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