[BC] need a NON-technical explanation

Donna Halper dlh at donnahalper.com
Fri Nov 12 01:45:48 CST 2010

At 01:56 AM 11/12/2010, Harold S. wrote:
>  The Kc assignments came as the band regulations evolved to reflect 
> this improvement.

The earliest usages of "kilocycles" that I can find in the newspapers 
is a mid-May 1923 article in the Boston Globe which references John 
V. L. Hogan, past president of the Institute of Radio Engineers, who 
was among those pushing for the exclusive use of the word.  By late 
1923, the Globe had in fact begun using it for their radio listings, 
and a national radio conference held in Washington DC also 
recommended switching from meters to kilocycles.  But most newspapers 
resisted; then, gradually, a few more began giving the locations of 
stations in both meters and kilocycles (the Boston Post was one that 
offered both) and as the decade progressed, by around 1926, most 
major newspapers were using kilocycles.

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