[BC] Novus Development?

Mark Earle mearle at mearle.com
Fri Nov 5 19:48:54 CDT 2010

On 11/5/2010 6:19 PM, Jeremy Eisenzimmer wrote:
> Now if we can only get the temp probe to be a little more accurate, as
> during the day it seems to be +10 compared to the what the actual
> temperature is. During the nighttime it's pretty much dead on. (any
> ideas????)
RM Young makes pro-grade weather sensors. One thing they sell which NOAA 
and FAA use is a housing for temp sensors. It makes them read standard, 
you face it in a particular direction, etc.

I can't search now but look up RM Young to start, and NOAA for temp 
sensor positioning.

Just getting the sensor in this housing should settle it down.

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