Jim Tonne tonne at comcast.net
Fri Jun 26 10:41:33 CDT 2009

Barry wrote in part:

>         Then, recently, I discovered from the logs that
>         some people will "take" a picture, even linking
>         right to the jpg, without credit . . .

I was looking at the stats for a church website I maintain
and saw large number of requests for a particular  jpeg

The requests came from the blog of a fellow who was
traveling across the country.  He was talking at one point
about the substandard housing on the Arizona-Mexico
border and deep-linked to an image I had posted.

I changed the church website to link to another version of
the photo and then took the original and wrote across it
in yellow lettering "This photo is being used without permission."

The fellow removed the link!  Obviously some viewer had
clued him about it.

- JimT

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Barry Mishkind" <barry at oldradio.com>

> At 07:13 AM 6/26/2009, Tom Bosscher wrote:
>>Blaine and Paul,
>>     I also have had tower pictures copied. But the most bizarre thing is
>>that I I state that they can be copied without prior permission, if they
>>give me credit.
>         This is a major problem with anything posted on
>         the web.  We talk about music downloads, but
>         pictures, articles, etc are all fair game to a
>         certain group. They do not even see the need
>         to do even perfunctory crediting, much less
>         asking permission.
>         Someone took my FAQ and stripped my name,
>         then posting it on their site - it its entirety. No credit.
>         When I found out about it and enquired, the
>         individual did not respond to email.
>         Yahoo wanted me to fill out forms and spend
>         hours *proving* it was my material.
>         Then, recently, I discovered from the logs that
>         some people will "take" a picture, even linking
>         right to the jpg, without credit - and can't get
>         the URL right, so I get an error_log entry!
>         People see the "file not found" and think oldradio.com
>         has the error.  eek!
>>I emailed the folks at Wikipedia and
>>told them that the author had my express approval to use the pictures,
>>but Wiki said no. That site and how it is controlled gets stranger by
>>the day.
>         You think?

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