[BC] Re: serial printer assistance

Jeff Carter broadcast at hidden-valley.com
Wed Jun 10 13:22:20 CDT 2009

While that's potentially true, the good news is that almost everybody
has PCs lying around that still work but are obsolete for most

You could do this with as little computer as an old XT, potentially,
and I doubt that anybody still has many of those lying around.

If somebody wanted to get fancy, you could do it on a single-board
single purpose computer, and run the data off on a thumb drive using a
cheap microprocessor, a MAX232, and a Vinculum module.


There's probably a business opportunity in this idea.  How many of you
would like to have a device that would automatically save all your EAS
data to a thumb drive?  It could be run in parallel with your existing


---- Original message ----
>From: "It's Ðave" <enginr at windstream.net>
>That way, on the next lightning hit far more goodies can fry.

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