[BC] Birds and towers

George Brand george at lovellsmichigan.com
Fri Jul 17 11:25:27 CDT 2009

When I was teaching broadcast production I had regular fits as the students,
when learning to cue a record, would inevitably spin the TT too fast, the
arm would pop up and then the stylus would drop on the felt and SNAP, that
was it. 2-3 a week and the Dept head was all over me like a cheap suit. I
started asking the commercial stations in town to save their rejects. I used
those for the first lessons after that and, after the first week, issued the
threat that any broken stylus from that point on would deducted from their
hide. It worked!

George Brand


>Yea, we were told by the GM to be very careful cueing records and careful
with the stylus. If it >broke too soon, it came out of our paycheck!

Scott Bailey


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