[BC] RE: Studio grounding info

tpt at literock93r.com tpt at literock93r.com
Sat May 31 10:31:20 CDT 2008

R.A. Meuser claims a good analog board will cost over 10K

Nonsense! Not for radio use.  Our Wheatstone RE55 12 channel was in  
the 6k range 2 years ago; has more than enough features for what we  
use it for--production. We have 14 channels in our control room  
board--an Auditronics 2500, we could probably replace that new  with  
the same features for around 7500--List.  I don't think I could find  
anything over 10K I would need.  Indeed, a quick look at the BSW  
website shows only one 18 channel analog board over 10k (and that by  
only a 100 dollars). Plenty of fancy digital consoles up into the high  
twenties, though.

We don't need six dedicated channels anymore for two three stacks. I  
have three mike channels in the control room--use them all only in the  
fall for one live scoreboard show Friday evenings.  Perhaps TV or a  
recording studio would be able to make use of the large custom  
mixers--but even in live TV once you get past 5 or 6 mikes, you don't  
have the 5 VTR's and two film chains like the old days. Spots and  
actualities are coming from a hard drive.

I will certainly agree that there are advantages to digital systems in  
multi-studio complexes.  Digital systems--not consoles--you just need  
control services with 3 or 4 local analog inputs (mikes, phone, 360  
system or similar device for drop-ins) with everything else sent back  
from the racks.  But for simple installations of three or four studios  
in a core area analog consoles are far cheaper and just as good.   
Getting back to the original topic--grounding:

1. Go with a good system that will work with your physical plant's  
2. Don't ignore lightning and surge protection; we have a third world  
electrical  system in many areas of the country.
3. Ignore any schemes that call for cutting off or floating ground  
(third wire) plugs. Some manufacturers run the electronics off a  
transformer or other scheme isolating the neutral--then sink current  
into the third wire & chassis.  Can get interesting if the device is  
not properly (electrically) grounded.

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