[BC] Digital converters remote question

George Kowal ontheair247 at verizon.net
Mon May 12 21:24:19 CDT 2008

Mark Earle wrote:
> What about the remote - and the audio - does the converter's remote, 
> control the volume? None of the specs I've seen mention this; can't 
> try it at the store of course, that would be too logical.
Haven't tried any of the new ones yet, but what does aggravate me is 
that none of the TV stores out there, including the big chain ones have 
anything hooked up to an antenna. How the heck do they expect to sell 
anything. They all seem to have the attitude that most people have 
cable. I even had one salesperson tell me you need a cable hookup for 
DTV. Clueless.
Anyway if we ran those businesses the first thing we would do is out up 
a roof antenna or even an indoor one and at least A/B that to the receivers.

George K

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