[BC] Blocking IP addresses

Mike McCarthy Towers at mre.com
Mon May 12 10:57:08 CDT 2008

The problem with Europe is more simply the EU and it's member 
countries are resistant to install and enforce 
anti-SPAM/anti/PHISHING laws  or go after the bigger 
SPAM/PHISHING/HACKING operations.  Maybe we are throwing the baby out 
the bathwater.  None the less, until the EU gets it's hands around 
the SPAM and PHISHING originating in EU member locations, we have no 
choice but to blanket block ranges from Europe.

At 09:36 AM 5/12/2008 +0100, Andy Green \(Listservers\) wrote
>We are constantly coming up against problems communicating with US based
>businesses who have blocked a range of IP addresses from outside the US,
>many times I have had to resort to fax or phone, but oftentimes, if there is
>an alternative, they lose the business.

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