[BC] X-Digital question

Kevin Trueblood kevin at neptuneradio.net
Wed May 7 13:46:10 CDT 2008

The big difference with the X-Digital platform is that your authorizations
are specific to each show, not to a channel.  So you literally program "Sean
Hannity" on Port A for either live or whatever time you want to run it, vs.
the Starguide's "You have everything on this channel" system.  If it is
net-catched from the box it captures the program, from what I understand,
with all closures intact.  You program your automation system so that it
runs the program as if it were live, liners and all.  Plus, with ABC's
setup, you can program your NetCue closures yourself instead of having to
call the network and have them do it for you.

This platform is very similar to the Content Depot platform we use with NPR,
and after all the bugs were worked out, seems to be a pretty good system

I don't think it's so much that the SGIII system was broken, but this new
platform adds some nifty new features and *most importantly* gives the
network greater control over its content.

Kevin Trueblood

Kevin, glad you shared some experience with the new X unit.

What was broken about the current Star Guide 3 system?


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