[BC] WOAI 1200 San Antonio

PeterH5322 peterh5322
Sat Sep 30 12:34:32 CDT 2006

>the new site, out east near Seguin, is the main.  It was originally 
>built with a franklin, but was converted to a single radiator during 
>a process to solve some problems, which, in the end, apparently did 
>not involve the tower.

Too bad, as a 120 over 120 can give about 420 mV/m/kW at 1 km [ * ] , 
whereas a 195 gives about 400, both with very little fading.

[ * ] A 225 gives about 440, but with considerable vertical radiation 
which causes fading, and why the two 5/8-wave Blaw-Knoxes were shortened.

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