[BC] Shamrock, Texas

Bailey, Scott sbailey
Wed Sep 20 13:37:07 CDT 2006

The bastards stole my 60 watt LPB AM Transmitter that I lent to Keith to
repair! When David Rushing called me and told me he was letting Keith
back in to get some of his personal stuff, Rushing grab some other beat
up, 30 watt LPB on 1480 and sent it to me, that had been sitting in a
sink in that old studio building.
I argued with him that was not mine. I should have sued them in the
state of Tennessee.  I would have won in Metro Nashville Court.

Oh Powell, David Rushing's sister lives in Murfeesboro, TN., about 45
minutes from Gallatin.


-----Original Message-----
From: broadcast-bounces at radiolists.net
[mailto:broadcast-bounces at radiolists.net] On Behalf Of Powell E. Way III
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 9:15 PM
To: Broadcasters' Mailing List
Subject: [BC] Shamrock, Texas

--- "Bailey, Scott" <sbailey at nespower.com> wrote:

 > David Rushing is in deep trouble himself due to the fact his EDC 
board co-signed a bank loan to help out
 > the two men who purchased the station from Turbo Radio Partners.

That's the very least of his troubles.

 > Those two guys split town, while Keith was there just working on 
equipment. They told Keith the station is
 > your and they took off to Florida hiding. That's how Keith ended 
up with KBKH.

The rest of the story is that the guys had failed to correctly do the 
paperwork to the FCC to get control. Jim T signed it over to Keith... 
that's the short of it. The EDC had no interest in the station until 
some broker told them the station was worth nearly half a million. 
They then wanted to sell the station and take the money and run. They 
locked Keith out and kept (and destroyed a lot of....) Keith's 
personal property. He finally got the stuff back, but a lot was left 
outside and was ruined.

The folks in the EDC have so many skeletons in their closet(s) that 
they could NEVER be qualified to run or
own a station. Funny thing is, there are so many open frequencies in 
that area, you could get one. No one in
their right mind is going to bid a lot of money for anything there.

Amarillo is 90 miles away.....BUT as you head west on I-40 that 90 
miles has a rather large terrain difference. Amarillo is 1000 feet 
higher in elevation than Shamrock and Wheeler. There is *NO* over the 
air TV or FM reception from Amarillo. Yes, you can get TV reception. 
It's a multi-hop STL system and UHF tranlators. You see VERY high 
antennas with high gain UHF antennas in the area. Those that can put 
up a tower and put up a large VHF and UHF array might be able to pull 
in OKC some 150 miles to the east.....



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