[BC] music on hard drive

Jim Tonne tonne
Thu Sep 7 18:37:43 CDT 2006

Tom in Michigan:

Notice this statement:
>  It is VERY low maintenance (but took 4 months to work out he bugs).

Then notice this statement:
> > If I can do it as a hobby (virtually alone), while holding a full-time
> job,why can't YOU do it for your business?

The first statement says it all.  You got it working right, good 
launched well.  Then it continued to fly.

I have no patience with the beancounter mentality that wants profit,
big time, up front, no initial outlay of time or material.  You put in the
time, probably put in the outlay of material and may you contnue to
reap the rewards of your initial inputs!

- Jim Tonne

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