[BC] Can't solve it if you don't know about it

Cowboy curt
Mon Jul 31 08:28:23 CDT 2006

On Sunday 30 July 2006 03:43 pm, Barry Mishkind wrote:
> It is clear that an engineer can't fix something he doesn't know about.
> So, what are the most effective means you have found for getting the 
> message from the staff to the engineer?

 In my past lives.....
 A written, pre-printed discrep form.
 If there's no discrep, it's not a problem, even if I was standing there
 and immediately addressed the problem when it occurred.
 The form contained the problem, who originated it, when, the solution,
 space for notes, when, all the normally relevant stuff.
 The form eventually was filed as part of the station maintenance log.

 The trick was that management was behind the idea, so there was
 no excuse by anyone for an incomplete form.
 Further, hard copy is much easier to stay with equipment, acquire
 relevant notes, and such than is an e-mail or other electronic form.

 Worked for me !


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