[BC] Napoleon - was Ring tones for Verizln "LG" cellphone

Gary Peterson kzerocx
Mon Jul 31 07:45:29 CDT 2006

> 1. They're Coming to Take Me Away by weird Al Yancavik
    Yeah, it was by Napoleon the XIV.
    The "B" side of the promotional "white-label" 45 was the
same track backwards.

   " I was a "Top-40 DJ" in the deep south at the
time, and I played it to death, too.
Grady "

IIRC, we received a letter from ASCAP or BMI indicating that the licensing
had been terminated and we had to quit playing the record.  Some time later,
it could be played again.  That's the only time I ever remember having to
stop playing a top-40 hit for legal/contractual reasons.

Gary, K?CX

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