[BC] WXXI-FM Mishap :crazy on-aire happenings

Bob Barnswatts amfan
Wed Jul 12 12:07:16 CDT 2006

I worked in a Tv station once that was live on cable via a direct link.  The station transmitter went off the air during the 6pm local news and the anchor looks up and says, What? We're off the air. ok and they sit there and bullshitted each other not realizing the entire remaining world was watching by cable.  How stupid.  I can't be around news people they make me crazy :-)

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On 7/12/2006 at 9:24 AM Paul B. Walker, Jr. wrote:

>This came from another mailing list I'm on..(not posted by me, came from
>another member)
>*"In case you missed it, I recently acquired an internet radio for dining
>and dancing pleasure <http://tinyurl.com/jdxpo>.  It's a bit pricey, but it
>does what I want it to do:  Act like a radio, not like a computer; look
>a radio, not a computer; sound like a radio, not a computer.  Well, I did
>have to add some speaks to it to improve the sound, but now it's
>perfect. *

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