[BC] Do not call list

Thomas G. Osenkowsky tosenkowsky
Sun Jul 2 10:07:10 CDT 2006

> All 3 calls were from India and 
> English was nowhere near even their second language. Knowing their 
> enjoyment of Hip Hop I set the phone down in front of a radio tuned 
> to a Hip Hop station. Even better, but it's a crap shoot, is to have 
> the TV tuned to "Touched by an Angel."


You are an exemplary American. So many flock to this country
for a better life. The many cultures that form our society show
that we can share and experience each other's foods, ways,
languages and practices. Your willingness to give happiness to
an Indian worker by playing their favorite music and to expose
them to the goodness and kindness of "Touched by an Angel."
makes me proud to be an American!

Tom Osenkowsky, CPBE

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