[BC] Do not call list

Rich Wood richwood
Sun Jul 2 07:28:16 CDT 2006

------ At 09:33 PM 7/1/2006, Glen Kippel wrote: -------

>OK, since Miss Manners is not on this list, I will have to ask the rest of
>you -- which is more polite:  to say

Even though they're violating your request (via the do not call list) 
one should always be polite. Understanding how difficult their jobs 
are I feel one should provide them entertainment while you ignore 
them. For example: I recently applied for a Washington Mutual credit 
card. Even before the card arrived I received 3 calls (after I had 
requested they not call me) offering me insurance so I could die 
knowing they'd get their money. All 3 calls were from India and 
English was nowhere near even their second language. Knowing their 
enjoyment of Hip Hop I set the phone down in front of a radio tuned 
to a Hip Hop station. Even better, but it's a crap shoot, is to have 
the TV tuned to "Touched by an Angel."

The downside is that I have to leave the room while this is happening.

A little-known section of the Geneva Convention prohibits this. I 
figure I can do it for a few years before I get hit, as Dubya was, by 
the Supreme Court ruling that it violates human rights and I'm 
exceeding my authority to inflict such pain.

I think telemarketing calls would cause Miss Manners to lose control 
and get nasty.


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