[BC] Traffic reports

Barry Mishkind barry
Thu Aug 31 16:39:55 CDT 2006

At 02:27 PM 8/31/2006, Scott Fybush wrote
>I admit to being guilty of occasionally referencing the "Can of Worms"
>when doing traffic here in Rochester. That's the long-gone name of the
>nasty old interchange at I-490 and 590 on the east side of the city, and
>even though the interchange itself was rebuilt many years ago, the locals
>still use the name.

         This is a long-time problem in the Media.
         Far too many reporters (not necessarily Scott,
         who is hard working ... most of the time!) are
         lazy and look for "shortcuts" in stories all
         the time.

         Traffic locations is one symptom.  You have
         only to look at the phrases and words used
         on the cable channels (and now network news)
         to see how superficial the understanding of
         the news is by the reporters ... and how little
         they care if the listener actually understands.

Barry Mishkind     -       Tucson, AZ    -   520-296-3797

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