[BC] Interesting sign-offs and Tech Difficulties

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo
Sat Aug 19 20:48:26 CDT 2006


That person got fired because the Empire lease had an auto renew clause.
The letter cancelling the lease was not sent in on time, the lease renewed and
they got fired for it. WCBS decided to leave an old clunker transmitter there
as a third aux, rather then tossing it out.

By the way, Empire saved their butts TWICE - the first time being when the van
was blown up in the basement of the north tower. All the other stations were
off for a day - but WCBS flipped on Empire and was back on the air....


------ Original Message ------
Received: Sat, 19 Aug 2006 07:43:25 PM EDT
From: tom at bosscher.org
To: "Broadcasters' Mailing List" <broadcast at radiolists.net>
Subject: Re: [BC] Interesting sign-offs and Tech Difficulties


   The rumor has had it for a long time that WCBS was still at the Empire
when the WTC attacked occured, seemingly due to someone "accidentaly"
renewing the Empire lease, and supposedly, that person lost their job
over that issue.

   Is this true, and if so, has CBS hired that person back after 9-11, or
at least said "Thank-you"?

   tom bosscher

> I would run it eventually, even without the authorization, I decided). I
> never had occasion to use it since we had a backup site on the Empire
> State Building with it's own program feed anyway.
> brew Bruce Schiller at CBS-TV NY Master Control Maintenance and WA2ZST

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