[BC] XLR Connector wiring and phase...

Jeffrey Kopp jeffreykopp
Tue Aug 15 20:51:52 CDT 2006

>[Barry and Bruce:]  In far too many cases, I've noticed "talent" seems          unwilling to listen in mono.  It isn't as "enjoyable." Hence, many of the stations I've seen run either off air stereo ... or worse ... program line.

>With IBOC, you really don't have any other choice than to monitor off the program line.

Well, if the list can bear with another wild idea from outside the loop, a possible solution comes to me. First the background:

At sea, rather than put a loudspeaker on our TTY transmit freq, we'd patch it into a spare URA-17 and check the scope to see if the freq was clear to transmit. It was right at our elbow, just above the xmit switch, so it was hard to miss. This was very convenient and kept the shack quieter; we had 500 up of course, plus at least two voice freqs. (This was our shack's _only_ gig at REFTRA, unfortunately, as the Navy required a loudspeaker monitor. Our chief nearly cried at our just missing an ace score, but he recognized the practicality of our method.)

So, a kind of visual "air monitor" could be rigged by feeding a scope, LED array or undamped meter with the processed program signal, delayed the same as the air signal and mixed inverted with it. Any difference should be visually apparent. Too much of a discrepancy for too long could kick on a speaker, blink the room lights, sound a buzzer or something. 

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