[BC] IBOC Tentatively Identified as Interfering Signal

kent kent
Tue Aug 15 09:20:03 CDT 2006

Having turned on an AM HD station myself I am familiar with the first 
adjecent situation.

My understanding is that WTMJ had troubles with their pattern as you 
stated, but have since corrected that (I think).

Yes the 1230/1240 area will be a problem if IBOC ever goes at 
night.  How many of these stations will go IBOC?  IMHO I doubt many 
will invest in it at this point.

On 8/15/06, Mike McCarthy <<mailto:Towers at mre.com>Towers at mre.com> wrote:

First adjacents are the ones at most risk of being BOMBED.  This is
especially acute in the 1230/1240 local stations where there are a LOT of
overlaps nearing 5mV.  If both locals light up with IBOC, it will be mutual
and absolute annihilation.  IX will be present up to the 10mV
contour...which on those stations is only about 5 miles in good soil.  If
many light up around the country, those two channels (as well as 1220 and
1250) will be nothing but mush/hash.

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