[BC] IBOC Tentatively Identified as Interfering Signal

Rich Wood richwood
Tue Aug 15 10:17:16 CDT 2006

------ At 10:13 AM 8/15/2006, kent at snug.pobox.com, wrote: -------

>My understanding is that WTMJ had troubles with their pattern as you 
>stated, but have since corrected that (I think).
>Yes the 1230/1240 area will be a problem if IBOC ever goes at 
>night.  How many of these stations will go IBOC?  IMHO I doubt many 
>will invest in it at this point.

IBUZ MUST go 24/7 or not at all. The analogy of TV going black and 
white at night is a serious one. In 3029 when all receivers have been 
replaced and we have almost, kinda, sorta FM quality on AM listeners 
won't tolerate a receiver that flushes them into the 5KHZ toilet for 
almost half the day. The current mode switching does that often 
enough, already.

I believe that 24/7 operation should begin immediately so stations 
know what nighttime operation will be like and what modifications 
they'll have to make to their sites. While most IBUZ operations are 
FM there are quite a few AMs either on the air or planning it.

AM needs IBUZ more than FM does. While it's nowhere near FM quality 
it is a dramatic increase over 5KHz. (let's call it "Entertainment Quality").


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