[BC] Re: WLW related historical question

Kevin Tekel amstereoexp
Mon Aug 14 01:12:42 CDT 2006

Dana Puopolo wrote:
> If I recall, some years ago, FEMA (or whatever they were at the time),
> did a study which showed that something like a dozen LF stations could
> cover the entire continental USA with a decent ground wave signal.

Here's the story:


These days, land values and NIMBY concerns would make setting up any kind
of longwave communications infrastructure prohibitively difficult.  Even
in countries where LW is a firmly established broadcasting band, this can
be a challenge.  Back in the '90s, a 2000-foot longwave tower in Poland
fell down, and could not be rebuilt because local farmers complained about
the RF radiation (we already get problems with that at 50 kW, so try
putting a 2000 kW transmitter in someone's backyard!).

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