[BC] Absolute Polarity (was XLR pinout debate)

Thomas G. Osenkowsky tosenkowsky
Sun Aug 13 13:55:52 CDT 2006

This is referred to as "bone conduction". The headphone
audio was now aiding the speech being conducted through
her bones. In the days before audio phase scramblers, it
was common practice to switch off, or in one position, the
auto-polarity on an AM limiter (such as the Volumax) and
phase each microphone so it produced greater positive
modulation than negative. Those auto switchers drove on-air
people crazy. This is a more a matter of phase than polarity
when referenced to one's internal sound conduction. Placing
one's hand over ears and speaking illustrates this effect.

Tom Osenkowsky, CPBE

> In the pre digital days, I had an jock that was constantly complaining
> the off air sound of the headphones.  I could never find anything wrong
> the off air audio feed then one day I swapped the balanced audio polarity
> and She quit complaining.  I guess she was sensitive to "absolute
> of the whole transmission path.

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