[BC] Absolute Polarity (was XLR pinout debate)

Thomas G. Osenkowsky tosenkowsky
Sun Aug 13 14:13:11 CDT 2006

> I believe another book titled "The Wood Effect" is about to go to 
> press. It'll be filed under Medical and will deal with the 
> psychological effect my posts have on IBUZ cheerleaders.

If the book is anything like the recent article in American Cheerleader
Magazine, it will be a sad text indeed. We're all familiar with the V's,
K's, L', and T's. Now we have the I's. Most cheerleaders strive to
perfect pikes, stunts, hurdles and tucks. The I's are much more
difficult and require extreme concentration and coordination. Each
side must perform in perfect harmony with the other.

We had the two Bring It On movies. When IBUZ cheerleading
was so insensitively attacked by your posts, the movie "But I'm
A Cheerleader" was made. This only begins to show the frustration
those poor cheerleaders faced.

Tom Osenkowsky, CPBE

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