[BC] Event coordination

Cowboy curt
Tue May 24 22:25:48 CDT 2005

On Monday 23 May 2005 16:37, Bernie Courtney wrote:

> Myself, I could give a dam about football, so I personally wouldn't
> sign up to be a part of the program.  But that's not going to set me
> off on a crusade to say that they should pay 5x the money for me to go
> do the same job as somebody who wants to be there on site to begin
> with and is willing to work for the perks they are provided with.

 You and I are close.
 I'm not a part of the Budweiser and Football crowd by anyone's imagination,
 but Mario has a point, if taken in the right context.
 To get ME to work a feetsball anything would likely take a good deal more than
 5x the money, as the "perks" are pretty useless to me, and I'm just not interested.
 For those who are willing to work for what they get, then they do set the value
 of what they do at that level, and can never ask, nor expect, more.
 For me, I'm worth more than that, but I do not begrudge those who wish to
 engage in such for what compensation they agree to accept.

 It pains me a bit, that I'll never work for the NFL, because a season ticket
 has no value to me, and I'ld rather have cash, which they CAN afford.
 Can't fault the NFL though, for taking what is freely offered.

 So long as them that do it understand that they DO set the bar......

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