[BC] Re: [RT] interns

Mike McCarthy Towers
Wed May 18 12:18:06 CDT 2005

Ditto...here in Chicago.  I could use 2 decent techies right now.  They'd 
do remotes and other stuff which needs to be done...but we don't have time.


At 04:47 PM 5/17/2005 -0700, Bill Croghan wrote:
>         Does anyone have a GOOD intern program for Broadcast Engineering?  I
>need something that is acceptable to the universities/Community college for
>credit.  I'm looking for something more real than passing out bumper
>stickers at remotes and asking "How long until I can be come a disk jockey?"
>I picture something that requires at least a basic AC/DC circuits
>electronics 101 type prerequisite.  I have the SBE accreditation stuff, but
>that does not address any internships.  Any help would be appreciated.  We'd
>like to start an honest internship program here at Lotus, Las Vegas.
>         If you have a published program on the subject, I'd be most
>appreciative.  I'm to darn busy to re-invent the wheel on this one.
>Bill Croghan CPBE WB?KSW
>Chief Engineer,
>Lotus Broadcasting
>Las Vegas, NV
>Email to loteng (at) lvradio.com
>Phone 702-315-3030
>Fax      702-876-6685
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