[BC] interns

Bill Croghan loteng
Tue May 17 18:47:30 CDT 2005

	Does anyone have a GOOD intern program for Broadcast Engineering?  I
need something that is acceptable to the universities/Community college for
credit.  I'm looking for something more real than passing out bumper
stickers at remotes and asking "How long until I can be come a disk jockey?"
I picture something that requires at least a basic AC/DC circuits
electronics 101 type prerequisite.  I have the SBE accreditation stuff, but
that does not address any internships.  Any help would be appreciated.  We'd
like to start an honest internship program here at Lotus, Las Vegas.
	If you have a published program on the subject, I'd be most
appreciative.  I'm to darn busy to re-invent the wheel on this one.


Bill Croghan CPBE WB?KSW
Chief Engineer, 
Lotus Broadcasting
Las Vegas, NV
Email to loteng (at) lvradio.com
Phone 702-315-3030
Fax      702-876-6685

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