Rich Wood richwood
Mon May 2 11:04:41 CDT 2005

------ At 11:03 AM 4/29/2005, Steve Lewis wrote: -------

>I was a big fan of XEROK 80 back in the early 70's.  I can't tell you how 
>they ID'ed at the top of the hour, but did clearly notice a sweeper being 
>played at :15 and :45 of a female announcing the calls and "Juarez, 
>Mexico" in spanish.  Was that a legal requirement or somebody's idea of a 
>neat (in spanish) programming element?

A little of both. Many people commented about the female ID on XTRA. She 
was the wife of the former owner. When he wanted her off the air we scoured 
Mexico City for a soun-alike. We found one. We were required to ID in 
Spanish. It wasn't a legal requirement that it be a woman. I like to think 
the others who did it copied us.


Rich Wood
Rich Wood Multimedia
Phone: 413-303-9084
FAX: 413-480-0010

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