[BC] Re: All American Five

tosenkowsky@prodigy.net tosenkowsky
Sat Jul 9 17:38:50 CDT 2005

>Boy, does the All-American Five bring back memories.

It was Sept 1972. My freshman year at Brookfield High School (CT). I took
Electronics One. Our class project was building an All American Five. Just
like a Heathkit there were checkboxes for each step and intervals where the
teacher would inspect your work then give permission to proceed.

All went well for me and after being given permission to plug in and turn
on, alignment using an Eico RF Oscillator, RCA VoltOhmist, and Eico scope.
I used broadcast stations to peak the RF and IF stages and calibrate the
tuning dial. I just put a straight line down the check boxes and proudly
announced I had finished.

The teacher said he didn't see me using the test equipment. I replied that
I didn't need those, I used actual stations. He in turn told me he worked
part time fixing radios and used the test gear himself to align them. He
then asked if I wanted to bet a week's detention if he could improve upon
my alignment using the equipment. I quickly replied "OK!"

With the entire class looking on he was unable to improve my results. The
next day while I was in school, the Assiatnt Principal visited my mother at
home and explained what happened. The teacher was embarrassed, etc. Mom did
stand up for me. She told him that it was the teacher who issued the
challenge and I had the confidence in my work. He tried to say that the
teacher is the only star in the classroom, etc but he wasn't too successful
that day.

Tom Osenkowsky, CPBE

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