[BC] Goliath Comcast Strikes

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Tue Nov 30 19:32:12 CST 2010

------ At 11:07 AM 11/30/2010, Sid Schweiger wrote: -------

>Comcast's executives have already named their NBC management team, 
>in blatant violation of the law that prevents merging companies from 
>colluding prior to the necessary regulatory and legal 
>approvals.  IOW, they're already acting as if they own the Peacock 
>Network.  Anyone taking bets on how much of a slap-on-the-wrist 
>they'll get, if any?

I'm going to have to increase the prices on my bridges if anyone is 
foolish enough to believe big political contributors will be slapped 
anywhere but playfully on the butt in an airport restroom by a 
Senator. I recall the original charters of SIRIUS and XM prohibited 
them from ever merging. Now, even their Canadian versions are trying 
it. With all the attorneys available to Comcast and GE you can be 
sure they've found a loophole or Comcast is choosing their team 
without GE's input. If I believe that, I'd better buy a bridge.

I was just watching a C/Net podcast. HBO and Xbox announced streaming 
video services to compete with Netflix. They'd better revisit their 
business plans and budgets once Gargantua takes over. They aren't 
Google or Hulu, so they'll be left in the slow lane.

I'm also expecting the old channel placement issues to surface. Watch 
all non-NBC channels  stuffed in the stratosphere around channel 
2058. NBC and their cable networks will probably start at Channel 4I 
expect Comcast to try and neuter any competition unless Congress 
acts. Democrats are wimps and Republicans won't care as long as 
Billionaires don't suffer.

IIt's sad in Mudville.


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