[BC] Here it comes....Dana

Scott Bailey wmroradio at bellsouth.net
Tue Nov 30 00:31:49 CST 2010

> From: Alex Hartman <goober at goobe.net>
> Didn't fox just try to pull this with cablevision and dishnet? No different. 
>All the customers lose out when businesses get pissy with eachother.
> The reason why comcast put bandwidth caps in place is purely marketing, they 
>want you to use their VOD service, not netflix or hulu. Simple as that. If you 
>rent their movies, they don't have to pay for bandwidth since it stays internal 
>to their network. 

Deregulation of 1996, look what kind of mess we are in NOW!  That's all I have 
to say!  I like Comcast for their High Speed Internet Service, but this Netflix 
thing? They must be afraid of competition!  Thank you to Congress and our Stupid 
Federal Government!  Political Parties don't mean nothing to me anymore,most 
(not all) the politicians are crooks, and taking money from lobbyist!  Dana, 
what's so crazy about this is our own people that live in this country could 
careless until one of these Big Corporations does something stupid, like in 
2009!  Screw the Corporation Bail Outs and take care of the Blue Collar Working 
Person and their families!  Just my overall view of it. You and I suffer for 
their screw ups!
 Scott Bailey
WMRO-AM, Gallatin, TN 

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