[BC] Here it comes....

Alex Hartman goober at goobe.net
Mon Nov 29 23:34:57 CST 2010

Didn't fox just try to pull this with cablevision and dishnet? No different. All the customers lose out when businesses get pissy with eachother.

The reason why comcast put bandwidth caps in place is purely marketing, they want you to use their VOD service, not netflix or hulu. Simple as that. If you rent their movies, they don't have to pay for bandwidth since it stays internal to their network. 

If a cable company sells you a tiered service (12mbits download speed internet for instance with a 250gb cap) they should be able to support your 12mbits download UP TO that 250Gb limit (at their border routers), then they can throttle you or even charge you overages JUST LIKE CELL PHONES DO. 

Alex Hartman

On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 10:53 PM, Dana Puopolo <dpuopolo at usa.net> wrote:
>Today, Comcast threatened to block all Internet traffic from ISP Level 3,
>unless Level 3 pays them a huge fee for the increased bandwidth from their now
>carrying Netflix traffic. In simpler terms, I buy Internet from Comcast for a
>monthly fee. I also am a member of Netflix. NOW Comcast wants to tell me I
>can't use Netflix unless Netflix gives them a mil or so a month-just because.
>And who will wind up paying the mil or so?  ME and other Netflix subscribers.
>The way I see it, as long as my usage remains under the 250 gB cap that
>Comcrap has me on, it should be none of their business what I do with said

>NOW do you see why net Neutrality is SO important?


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