[BC] The Level Devil

Dave Hultsman DHults1043 at aol.com
Mon Nov 29 21:45:14 CST 2010

You must have gotten one of the later units.  The unit I had was later replaced by Gates with a unit that had a lever switch inside that allowed the balancing of the two 5647?????tubes using the front panel meter. Prior to getting that it involved getting an oscillator and distortion meter out and using a low frequency tone and balancing the two pots for minimum output of the 50 Hz. in the output.   If it wasn't balanced correctly the "signal to thump ratio"  was clearly audible and would kick some AM transmitters off the air at high modulation with the low frequency "thump".  We were planning on sending ours back and we got a letter from Gates wanting us to return it for modification. Mid '60's as I recall.
In a message dated 11/23/2010 5:15:39 P.M. Central Standard Time, miltron at mindspring.com writes:
>It was so neutral sounding that I always wondered if it really did anything--and _never_ thumped.

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