[BC] Florida Keys

Steve Lewis steve at 1011talk.com
Mon Nov 29 01:53:12 CST 2010

>Now I will have to say, for a Part 15 Transmittter, those little Rangemasters  get out and they sound just as good as the Nautel's, BE's, etc.  I have talked 
>Since LPB is gone, there is nobody that I know of that makes a "Low Power",  Solid State AM transmitter that is in the U.S. I saw some on ebay made in Greece, but I just don't like buying gear from another company outside the U.S.

Ummmmm, IMHO the Rangemasters are neat little boxes but are a toy.  I spent
several weeks over the summer with one and the range was disappointing at
best.  While not ideally mounted, the signal wouldn't survive building
penetration further than a nearby neighbor's home.

LPB is gone.  In its place see www.spartabroadcast.com where you'll find an
AM transmitter adjustable from 1 watt up to a couple of hundred.  It's not
cheap but would make a good flea-power nite transmitter or backup to a high
power box.  It's just being introduced now (November 2010).

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