[BC] sports audio feed

Broadcast List USER Broadcast at fetrow.org
Sun Nov 28 23:52:16 CST 2010

From: "Thomas G. Osenkowsky" <tosenkowsky at prodigy.net>
>When I worked at WAVZ/KC-101 in CT we had a system on 26.31 MHz. The  
>outbanders made it almost impossible to use, especially when skip  
>was in.
>Mostly sideband, but we used carrier squelch and it was annoying to  
>listen to.
>>A LOT of 300 Watt base stations are now available since many low band
>>paging companies have gone under.

My thought is to use it for IFB.  There is no requirement to take down  
an IFB, so just leave the station up on it.  During remote broadcasts,  
it will be interrupted by cues and such, but the rest of the time it  
is pre-profanity delay, pre-HD delay.  That will easily drive the  
illegal out of band CB crap away.  You COULD even turn it around and  
use it as a RPU at that point.

Better yet, if you are a cluster, put up several frequencies as IFBs,  
then turn ONE around for RPU when needed.

There is no way the FCC will get involved in you driving HFers off the  


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