[BC] Florida Keys

Alex Hartman goober at goobe.net
Sun Nov 28 22:40:42 CST 2010

I'll volunteer to be your man-in-country! =)

Alex Hartman

>WKIZ is still there.  I consult with the group that runs it regarding their automation (Yep; Station Playlist) system from time to time.
>Fellow named Guy DeBoer is in charge.  DA-1 with 250 watts.  WKWF is ND-1 and 500 watts.

>The "logo" it as KONK-1500 (for the Conch Republic); they started out with several Rangemasters on 1680 and 1650, and could never manage to get the coverage they wanted; they also has some issues with linking them.

>They've been running 1500 for about a year or two now.  I've considered moving there, but there all that sun - and me a near-albino redhead.
>Same issues with Tuscon, AAMOF - two guys want me to move there...
>Trying to price SPF 900000 sunscreen to see if it'd be cost-effective.

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