[BC] Cart Machines

loteng at lvradio.com loteng at lvradio.com
Sun Nov 28 20:52:09 CST 2010

From:"Alex Hartman" <goober at goobe.net>

>Our station does this. Along side a digital router is an old patchbay, a few Otari's and an ITC cart deck. The "training" program for the station requires you to use carts to play PSAs.  The classes the school teaches do teach razor blade splicing and back-queueing on turntables. We do have quite possibly the most redundant things in our air studio... DIGITAL turntables. (S/PDIF outs)  Just seems wrong...
>Then again, i think we're the last holdout anywhere that still uses physical media for everything. (computers are live-assist only, PSA/CSA, underwriters, bumpers, promos, etc, no music). 80,000 CDs and 45,000 records. It'd be a LOT of storage to archive that library!

>>>We want to give the students the experience of a traditional broadcast facility of years gone by; so they can appreciate the changes in technology in the broadcast facility.>>

What next..spark gap?  I put the first. Cart machines in some stations and took out the last I'n others.  A one hour demo of carts and razor edits would be plenty.

Bill croghan

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