[BC] FM History

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo at usa.net
Fri Nov 26 12:12:03 CST 2010

They were in Kenmore Square for most of the 50s and 60s (now a bank), before
moving to Govt. Center. There was a lot of stuff in storage at their AM
transmitter, but one of their engineers went on a cleaning spree about ten
years ago and tossed DECADES of history in the dumpster (like hundreds of old
WRKO top 40 tapes, etc.).


From: ChuxGarage at aol.com

Do any of you know what happened to some of the old equipment at WNAC-WRKO in
Boston?  At one time, they were the origination and master control point for
The Yankee Network, which could be traced back to Major Armstrong.  I was told
at the time that some of the studios dated back into the 1920's.

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