[BC] FM History

Scott Bailey wmroradio at bellsouth.net
Wed Nov 24 18:12:23 CST 2010

I no expert or history buff, but I thought RCA hired Mr. Armstrong to develop a 
way to lower the static noise on AM.  He came up with FM instead, and it was not 
accepted by RCA, and RCA pushed him away, but RCA wanted to steal his FM 
invention and patent it.  I thought all his hard work force him to depression 
and then he killed himself. Is that how the story goes. I'm just getting in on 
the tail end of this.
 Scott Bailey
WMRO-AM, Gallatin, TN 

----- Original Message ----
> From: "RichardBJohnson at comcast.net" <RichardBJohnson at comcast.net>
> Who says it is, as you say; "a lot of misinformation about Armstrong." Who are 
>you to determine what the facts are? You should be ashamed for creating more 
>misinformation. History is being rewritten all the while by those with the most 
>to gain. History is often rewritten by the survivors after the creators, 
>inventors, or other operatives have long died and cannot defend themselves.

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