[BC] The "Net Neutrality" proper position to have ??

Mark Humphrey mark3xy at gmail.com
Tue Nov 23 13:49:17 CST 2010

The telecom companies tell us they're opposed to any FCC intervention
because they want "the right to manage their networks", but exactly
what does this mean?   This is about as vague as a politician calling
for "change".

As Jeff has pointed out, the telecom giants have a history of making
exclusive deals with other big companies.   For example, if you want
to use an iPhone in the US, you have to sign a contract with AT&T.
Compare this with the situation in other countries:


The telecoms have also demonstrated that they want control over the
content you post.   How many of you would allow the government (in its
sole discretion) to decide whether your messages are "cruel or racist"
or "objectionable for any reason" and then threaten to cut off service
if you don't watch what you say?  Yet, many telecom providers already
impose these conditions -- run a search in Google for examples.   How
much further are we willing to trust them?


On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 1:54 PM, Jeff Carter
<broadcast at hidden-valley.com> wrote:
> IANAL, but as I read it that's exactly what it means.
> It gives corporations the power to shatter the Internet into a hundred
> islands based on individual corporate interest, not the interest of
> the consumer.

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