[BC] Netflix

Alex Hartman goober at goobe.net
Tue Nov 23 10:51:11 CST 2010

I just got an email from Netflix saying they're raising all the plans by $1. So the $8.99 plan is now 9.99 (for instant streaming + 1 DVD out). It's $9 for instant stream only.

I myself did this years ago. I got rid of cable TV at $100/mo kept my internet connection and stream netflix and a few other services that are a grand total of about $20/mo. I still spend the money, but it's on my terms. Like iTunes rentals at a few bucks each, or PS3 store for a few bucks, but if i'm busy that month, i don't spend it. Nor am i paying for crap i don't watch.

Alex Hartman

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 2:28 AM, Broadcast List USER <Broadcast at fetrow.org> wrote:
>Well, I seem to be agreeing with Barry with this announcement.

>Netflix is going to be streaming both movies and TV to people at eight
>bucks a month.

>Why should I pay Comcast (only because Barry doesn't like what I WANT
>to call them) $130 a month when I can get the small selection of what
>I REALLY want for $8?

>Even if I get the wife her own account, it is only $16 a month.

>Now, I need to put up a tower so I can actually receive the really
>defective ATSC signals, and we will be golden.



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