[BC] Cart machines

Richard Rudman rar01 at mac.com
Tue Nov 23 09:08:37 CST 2010

The first new studios I built were at Northeastern University in Boston in 1965 for WNEU (carrier current) during my junior year. The Northeastern Student Union budget we were allotted was meager. We bought Spotmasters (the ones Glen talked about) for the main studio and production room. They worked out well, all things considered. Spotmaster was a good low cost / low budget solution. Simple electronics and simple mechanical design. Not bad for college students to operate and maintain. When I started at WBZ the rack mounted RCA machines were a bear to clean properly, and you had to take them out of the rack to do alignment. Spotmasters? It was all there on the desktop, back when desktops were really desk tops.


On Nov 23, 2010, at 7:02 AM, Alan Peterson wrote:
> My college radio station - WHPC-FM Garden City NY - had RCA-equipped studios along with five-slot cart play decks. Never cared for them; they just could never properly engage a cart. And a few years later in the field, I encountered the same model badged as an Ampro. So I agree with Cowboy.
> Ramko either made or distributed a cart machine that did its own phase-chasing on stereo playbacks. I never really warmed up to those either, although I did have a certain fascination with the DC38-8S console and all its complexity.
> -AP

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