[BC] Can technology create a significant revenue source for radio?

Jerry Mathis thebeaver32 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 22 15:35:19 CST 2010

It's the old "Frog in a kettle of boiling water" type of thing. Wasn't it good old Ben Franklin again (he was SUCH a fountain of wisdom!) that said that our liberties are not taken from us wholesale, but in little bits and pieces. THAT is why we must maintain eternal vigilance. Unfortunately, we've grown tired of "Eternal Vigilance" and are too wrapped up in our TV's and iPod's and computer gaming and Internet RPG's. And that's just the kids. We're too worried about keeping a roof over our heads and the wolf away from the door to worry about our freedoms' bits and pieces. I know it's pessimistic, but I believe we're in for worse times before we get back to good times.

Jerry Mathis

On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 8:30 PM, Tom Spencer <Radiofreetom at gmail.com> wrote:
>And the whole thing is an effort to further erode the greatness that
>once was America's

>Free, over-the-air broadcasting allows "pirate" broadcasters to exist.
>There may (probably will) come a day when such outlets are the only
>reliable news source available...

>And the demise of print newspapers throws the entire First Amendment
>"freedom of the press" on broadcasters...

>If the government tried to outlaw printing presses, there'd be a huge

>Why is there no huge outcry when the government seeks to outlaw

>I fear it may already be too late...

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