[BC] The wrong way to deal with tech budgets

Alex Hartman goober at goobe.net
Sat Nov 20 18:44:42 CST 2010

Completely different issues. Linksys routers can do QoS (look for gaming routers) just as well as the high end routers... It's not that the router isn't capable of handling 250 machines, it is, but it's a matter of bandwidth issues. You can only shove so much crap through the garden hose, as it were. :)

Alex Hartman

On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 6:41 PM, <radiowavesokc at gmail.com> wrote:

>Do you have a list of recommended routers that a person should use? I'm getting tired of lousy routers, even for residential use. I'd like to find something that will work for years correctly, and provide no breakup issues in streaming (if the connection is acceptable of course).


>On Nov 20, 2010, at 10:49 AM, "Dana  Puopolo" <dpuopolo at usa.net> wrote:

>> don't either. I can't tell you how many stations have called me that have 50
>> computers connected to a Linksys, Belkin or Netgear home router-and then
>> wonder why their Barixes break up and all their computers' Internet access
>> runs slow. I guess there must be a reason why Cisco (also) offers business
>> class equipment after all-to run larger syetems! Home type routers generally
>> are only useful up to about 20 computers-after that their performance begins
>> degrading rapidly-yet they are the mainstay at most radio stations.

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